Average and Minimum Salary in Zurich, Switzerland

zurich switzerland

Average and minimum salary in Zurich, Switzerland. Data and information about wages and jobs in Switzerland If you considering moving to Europe, the average and minimum wage in Zurich, Switzerland are useful data to analyze the economics of this highly wealthy nation. Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland, a wealthy … Read more

Best Areas to Stay in Geneva, Switzerland

where to stay in geneva

The best areas to stay in Geneva are listed in this guide to visitors to the biggest and most important city in the French speaking of Switzerland If you are coming to French part of Switzerland, you should probably consider the best areas to stay in Geneva. These easily accessible districts … Read more

Cost of Living in Zurich, Switzerland

cost of living in zurich

Cost of living in Zurich, Switzerland: learn more about how much does it cost to live in Zurich, the biggest city and financial hub of Switzerland Are you considering visiting or moving to Switzerland? Check below more on the cost of living in Zurich, Switzerland, one of wealthiest cities in … Read more

Switzerland Best Country for Expats According to HSBC

Geneva, Switzerland

Switzerland is now the best country for expats according to a latest survey. What makes it special? When expats look for a country to move to, they have a specific criteria. They consider the average salary in the country, what is in the country and how far they can bring … Read more

Where to Stay in Montevideo, Uruguay

where to stay in montevideo

Where to stay in Montevideo? Check our guide on the best areas in the Uruguay capital, one of the safest and most charming cities in South America Montevideo is Uruguay’s capital and largest city, a well-kept secret in South America. Be sure to check out the following insider tips on … Read more

Best Areas to Stay in Andorra (Hotels Guide)

best places to stay in andorra

Best areas to stay in Andorra: discover hotels while visiting this small principality in the Pyrenees ideal for its ski resorts, nature and shopping If you are looking for information on where to stay in Andorra, this post will definitely help you. We will analyze thoroughly the best areas, accommodation options … Read more