Average and Minimum Salary in San Marino

The average and minimum salary in San Marino show the wealth of one of the smallest European states

The average and minimum salary in San Marino are useful for anyone willing to work or invest in one of the smallest countries in Europe. San Marino has is a sovereign state enclaved in Italy, and a unique place for a short vacation.

San Marino – La Rocca. Photo by IVAN 63

Minimum Salary in San Marino

The minimum salary in San Marino is one of the highest in the world.  Currently, the minimum salary in San Marino is of €1,582.57 gross per month as of 2022.

The minimum wage in San Marino demonstrates how the standard of living is high in the country, even if the cost of living is also elevated. More information about working in San Marino is available here(in Italian).

Average Salary in San Marino

The average salary in San Marino is around € 27000 euro gross per year, or € 2.250 gross euros per month as of 2022. This is considerably more than most Italian cities, including the wealthiest ones like Milan or Turin. More information in this Sammarinese website (in italian). There are different tax brackets in the country, but the average salary is currently taxed at 17%.

However, as the country population is of around 30,000, which limits the scope of possibilities for both employment and investments.

San Marino Economic Outlook

As one of the smallest European states, the economy of San Marino is also very peculiar. One of the biggest sources of income of this small enclave comes from tourism. Coins and stamps are some of the most typical souvenirs visitors buy in the country.

San Marino has one of the highest living standards in Southern Europe, considerably higher than Italy.

If you are looking for employment, check our post on how to get a job in San Marino.

Interesting Resources for Working and Living Abroad

Are you really considering to work and live abroad, temporarily or permanently? Below are some resources that might be useful for you around the web:

World Nomads: this company provides travel insurance in most countries around the world, and it might be a good option if you going for a long travel.

Booking.com: Booking.com is the best choice for finding accommodation for your next trip, with a wide variety of choices for all types of travelers.

You may also want to check our website guides:

Train Travel Guide: in our railway travel guide, you will learn how to choose and ride the most scenic train routes around the world, always in the most comfortable way with optimal prices to enhance your travel experience.

Dating Guide: our dating guide will help you not only to find love but to understand the social customs of each country. It will also help you to avoid dating scams around the internet and find people really interested in honest relationships.

Work Abroad Guide: Learn how to find a job and employment requirements in different countries. From the initial job search, to bargaining salaries, this guide will help you to find job in most countries around the world.  It also covers about remote work and TEFL jobs.