Average and Minimum Salary in Vientiane: Laos: If you are travelling to Laos a good way to understand the dynamics of the local economy is analyzing its wages
Check the average and minimum salary in Laos below, including up to date data (2019) about the economy of its capital city Vientiane.
In today’s post we will focus on the actual figures for average and minimum salary in Vientiane, Laos. This is an excellent way to understand better the country if you are considering to travel or even moving to Laos for business or employment.
Minimum Salary in Vientiane, Laos
The minimum salary in Vientiane, Laos is of 1.100.000 KIP or roughly 120 USD as of 2021. It was established by the government and became effective as of May 1st 2018 at the rate of 1.100.000 KIP, which translates into roughly 130 US dollars, considering the exchange rate in January 2021 (source: Vientiane Times).
It is one of the lowest minimum salaries in the ASEAN region, only losing to Myanmar, which has a very problematic economy due to its recent history.
Average Salary in Vientiane, Laos
The average net salary in Vientiane, according tis 350 US dollars per month as of 2021.
This figure is very low compared to western standards, and still low compared to other wealthier nations near Laos like Thailand and China.
In general, what bothers me about Laos is the purchase power, even if the salaries are quite low in Laos, the cost of living is in pair with the income. So if you are considering moving to Laos because it might be a cheap option, this is not guaranteed.
It really depends on where you are from, if you are from Switzerland or New York, you will find it extremely cheap).
Laos Economic Outlook
Even if salaries are low in Laos, it is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with a growth rate well above 5% since the year 2000, which leads me to believe that Laos is a good place to invest, especially if you have a local partner.
If you don’t have, the employment opportunities are quite restricted, but you can still get hired fairly easy as an English teacher, or stay in Laos as a foreigner if you have a passive income or work online.
Interesting Resources for Working and Living Abroad
Are you really considering to work and live abroad, temporarily or permanently? Below are some resources that might be useful for you around the web:
World Nomads: this company provides travel insurance in most countries around the world, and it might be a good option if you going for a long travel.
Jetradar: compare and find the cheapest air fares worldwide.
Booking.com: Booking.com is the best choice for finding accommodation for your next trip, with a wide variety of choices for all types of travelers.
You may also want to check our website guides:
Train Travel Guide: in our railway travel guide, you will learn how to choose and ride the most scenic train routes around the world, always in the most comfortable way with optimal prices to enhance your travel experience.
Dating Guide: our dating guide will help you not only to find love but to understand the social customs of each country. It will also help you to avoid dating scams around the internet and find people really interested in honest relationships.
Work Abroad Guide: Learn how to find a job and employment requirements in different countries. From the initial job search, to bargaining salaries, this guide will help you to find job in most countries around the world. It also covers about remote work and TEFL jobs.