Minimum and Average Salary in Chisinau, Moldova

moldova chisinau

In today’s post, we will analyze the minimum and average salary in Chisinau, Moldova, to understand better the cost of living in this landlocked European nation Considering investing or working in Moldova? This posts brings up to date information on the average and minimum salary in Chisinau, Moldova (2019). Chisinau … Read more

Australia GTES Visa Program to Assist Local Startups

Australia’s new GTES Visa program is expected to help Australian startups. Find out more about this program. Many economies often rely on all sorts of businesses to stay afloat. From large corporations to small startups, they play a part in the economy. But, small startups often find it difficult to … Read more

Nepal Residence Permits Down 30% for Expats


Foreigners applying for Nepal Residence Permits have dropped down this year. What caused this trend to happen? Foreign workers in Nepal are common in the country for the technical industry. However, it seems their numbers are dwindling because of the latest Nepal Residence Permits report. On Friday, July 26, the … Read more

Switzerland Best Country for Expats According to HSBC

Geneva, Switzerland

Switzerland is now the best country for expats according to a latest survey. What makes it special? When expats look for a country to move to, they have a specific criteria. They consider the average salary in the country, what is in the country and how far they can bring … Read more

Latvia Startup Visa Lowered Its Requirements for Entrepreneurs

Riga, Latvia

Latvia Startup Visa lowered its requirements for entrepreneurs. Find out below to know the new requirements. If you want to build your business in Latvia, you need to get a Latvia Startup Visa. Temporary residency permits for foreigners are offered to attract investors and businesses in investing in the country. … Read more

Portugal Foreign Residents Hit Record High

Lisbon, Portugal

Portugal Foreign Residents Hit Record High. Why is Portugal appealing to many foreign residents? Find out why below. Expats have a lot of criteria when it comes to picking the country they like to move into. Some look for countries where they can relax and go to places rarely found … Read more

Greek Islands Pays for People Willing to Move There


A remote island in Greece is looking for tenants who like to live there. See what is being offered below. Some people often dream about retiring in a tropical or idyllic island far from cities. There are few people who get to live this dream while others just dream of … Read more

Russia to Introduce e-Visas from 2021

Red Square, Moscow, Russia

Tourists who would like to visit Russia will be able to apply for a visa quicker in 2021. But, there are exceptions. Russia has always been a mystery for many travelers. While it is a part of Asia and Europe due to its vast land, getting a visa to the … Read more

Average and in Minimum Salary in Bucharest, Romania

salary in bucharest romania

Average and minimum salary in Bucharest, Romania: let’s analyze the prospects of one of the fastest growing economies in the EU The  average and minimum salary in Bucharest, Romania give a nice insight of this Southeastern European country, which is growing steadily in the past few years. Since the fall of … Read more

Average and Minimum Salary in Paris, France

salary in paris france

Let’s analyze the average and minimum salary in Paris, France, one of the most beautiful cities in the world and a great destination for corporate expatriates Are you considering relocating to Paris or France? Check the average and minimum salary in Paris, and understand better the financial situation and economy … Read more