Cost of Living in Krakow, Poland

Cost of living in Krakow: let’s analyze costs of food, real estate, entertainment and transport in Krakow, Poland

Are you considering moving to Krakow? Check below the data for the cost of living in Krakow, one of the wealthiest and most dynamic cities in Poland.

where to stay in krakow

Krakow Old Town.

Cost of Living in Krakow, Poland

Krakow is the capital city of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, and the second largest city in Poland. The city attracts a considerable amount of foreign investment, and many international companies have offices in the city. Among them, we can mention Motorola, IBM, General Electric and others.

The city of Krakow is one of the oldest in Poland, and the second most visited after Warsaw. For these reasons, Krakow is highly attractive among Poles and expats willing to build a career or invest in business ventures.

Despite being a highly dynamic European city, the cost of livin Krakow is quite attractive. Most costs are very affordable when compared to Western European cities or other larger cities in Central Europe like Prague, Budapest or Warsaw.

Let’s check some data for the cost of living in Krakow, Poland below:

The currency in Poland is the Polish Zloty. The conversion rate to the USD is 1 dollar to 4.06 PLN as of February 8, 2025.

If you want to suggest your own values based on your experiences in this city, click on edit and insert the values. Upon moderation they will be calculated to make part of the average prices displayed below.

Food Price [EDIT]
1 liter of milk 0.77 USD
1 loaf of bread 0.79 USD
1 kg of tomatoes 3.54 USD
1 kg of chicken 3.94 USD
1 single meal cheap restaurant 5.50 USD
1 single meal high-end restaurant 17.00 USD
1 cappuccino or latte 2.50 USD
1 big pizza delivery 14.00 USD
Real Estate Price [EDIT]
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) rent per month 600.00 USD
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) utilities per month 100.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) rent per month 820.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) utilities per month 150.00 USD
Price per square meter (city center) 2,300.00 USD
Transport Price [EDIT]
1 single ride public transport 1.15 USD
Monthly public transport ticket 30.00 USD
1 km taxi or similar transport app 0.70 USD
1 liter of gasoline (1/4 gallon) 1.70 USD
Toyota Corolla (new) basic version 19,000.00 USD
Salaries Price [EDIT]
Minimum Salary 650.00 USD
Average Salary (net) 920.00 USD
Extras Price [EDIT]
1 ticket to the movies (adult price) 9.00 USD
High speed internet per month 16.00 USD
1 month gym subscription 40.00 USD

Cost of Living for Students in Krakow

The cost of living for students in Krakow is also relatively low compared to Western European academic related prices. There are some bachelor and various masters degree studies available in English. However most of the university courses are in Polish.

Here are some of the main higher education institutions in Krakow:

The Jagiellonian University

Cracow University of Technology

Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts

Getting a Job in Krakow

The Krakow job market is relatively opened to expats. There is a considerable amount of job offers for English speakers, even for those who do not speak Polish. Most of these offers are in multinational corporate offices in Krakow or in the tourism sector.

Getting a job in Poland is considerably easier if you are a non-EU citizen, compared to getting a job in Germany and the UK. For those looking to move to Europe to broaden your career path, Poland might be a great option.

Here are some websites for job hunting in Krakow:

Careers in Poland

Quality of Life in Krakow

Krakow has a quite high quality of life, with great options of entertainment and excellent transport infrastructure. The city, just like most big cities in Poland, is quite safe. Krakow has a lower crime rate than most Western European or North American cities of similar size.

The biggest disadvantage of Krakow in terms of quality of life is pollution. Southern Poland is one of the most polluted areas in Europe and Krakow is one of the most polluted cities in the continent. You can check European pollution levels here.

English is the second language in Krakow, especially among younger generations. Older inhabitants may have a basic grasp of English, and various levels of Russian or German command.

If you are visiting Krakow soon you may want to check some of our other Poland guides. Check the best places to places to stay in Krakow and our article on safety in Krakow. If you are traveling in Central Europe, check how to travel from Warsaw to Krakow, Lviv to Krakow and Krakow to Budapest.

Other Resources for Expats and Travelers

Salaries Worldwide: check our articles on wages worldwide and understand better the economics of the countries you may be considering to move or invest.

Retire Abroad: check our retirement guides and maximize your retirement income and quality of life.

Jetradar: compare and find the cheapest air fares worldwide.