How to Travel from Zurich to Liechtenstein – Vaduz (Bus, Train)

How to travel from Zurich to Liechtenstein? Check the best ways to get from Zurich to Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein by bus and train

Do you want to visit the tiny European state of Liechtenstein? Below we explore how to travel from Zurich to Liechtenstein, including options by train, car and bus.


Transport in Liechtenstein: Overview

Liechtenstein is one of the smallest independent countries in Europe. It sits between Switzerland and Austria, in the alps, and has a population of slight more than 37000 inhabitants.

The country is surrounded by mountains and has a unique natural beauty, but it might not be that easy to get there. Since Liechtenstein is small and mountainous, there are not that many transport links to the principality.

Liechtenstein however does have railways, and even if the frequency of trains to the country is not that big, it is still probably the best way to do it. It is important to stress that Liechtenstein does not have an airport, just like other small European nations such as Andorra, Vatican and San Marino.

There are also buses to Liechtenstein, and this may be a good option. You can also combine train and buses to get to Liechtenstein, depending where you are traveling from. Finally, there is also the option of driving to Liechtenstein.

Zurich to Liechtenstein: The Route

Zurich is the most populous city of Switzerland and is also the location of the country’s busiest airport. The good news is that once you are in Zurich you will be pretty close to Liechtenstein.

The distance between Zurich and Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein is of roughly 100 km. This distance may vary slightly depending on the chosen route.

Let’s explore now the best ways to travel from Zurich to Liechtenstein, including Vaduz and other locations in the country.

Zurich to Liechtenstein by Train

One of the most interesting ways travel from Zurich to Liechtenstein is by train. Liechtenstein just has one railway line and it has only four stations (Schaan-Vaduz, Forst Hilti, Nendeln, Schaanwald).

Starting from the Zurich Main Station you will need to get to the town of Buchs, in the border with Liechtenstein, and from there take the train that stops inside Liechtenstein. There are no direct trains from Zurich to Liechtenstein. There are however, direct train to Buchs from Zurich.

zurich to liechtenstein

When arriving in Liechtenstein, in most cases you will want to stop at the Schaan-Vaduz Station. This is the most populated area of Liechtenstein with access to most of its attractions.

You can also travel from Zurich to Sargans, then from Sargans to Buchs, and Buchs to Liechtenstein, all by train.

Here are two problems however. There are very few direct trains from Zurich to Buchs per day. The second problem is that there are very few trains from Buchs to Liechtenstein per day.

If you want to have a more flexible schedule, check the option mixing train and bus below.

Zurich to Liechtenstein by Train and Bus

Another option is to to travel from Zurich to Sargans by train. There are considerably more direct trains from Zurich to Sargans per day, than from Zurich to Buchs. The trip takes roughly one hour. Public buses are in Liechtenstein are operated by LIEmobil.

Once in Sargans it is fairly easy to take a bus to Vaduz. The most central bus stops in Vaduz are Vaduz, Städtle and Vaduz, Post. Buses run each 20 to 30 minutes from Sargans. You can plan your journey on the SBB website.

How to Buy Train Tickets to Liechtenstein

The best option to buy train tickets in Switzerland and from Switzerland to Liechtenstein is online. Check prices and book tickets on Trainline.

Zurich to Liechtenstein by Car

Finally, one option to consider is to drive to Liechtenstein. It is especially a good idea considering the short distance from Zurich, the good road condition and the beautiful alpine landscapes on the way to Liechtenstein.

Compare and book prices to rent a car on

Hotels in Zurich

Sorell Hotel Rütli – A great accommodation option, located at a walking distance to the ETH University in Zurich.

Hotel Storchen – With hundreds of years of hospitality tradition, the Hotel Storchen is one of the best options in the Swiss’ financial capital old town.

Hotels in Liechtenstein

Hotel Restaurant Schaanerhof – an excellent option to stay in Schaan, Liechtenstein.

Residence Hotel – a great hotel in a very central location in Vaduz.

Other Resources for Traveling in Switzerland

If you are traveling to Zurich you might want to check our other guides to Switzerland. Check where to stay in Zurich and the best places to stay in Geneva. You can also check our post on the cost of living in Zurich.

Leave your thoughts and questions below if you are planning to visit Zurich and Liechtenstein soon.