How to Get from Pattaya to Hua Hin? Let’s see what are the different and best ways to travel between these two Thai cities, including ferry, bus and taxi
Are you travelling around in Thailand and want to get from Pattaya to Hua Hin? Below I will guide you through the best possible routes to make this journey. Including the cost and time comparison of all routes. You will find where and how to buy tickets in the post below.

Pattaya to Hua Hin The Route
Pattaya is a city south of Bangkok next to the Ocean. This beach resort town attracts and hosts 8 million visitors each year and this number continues to grow every following year. This city is quite laid back, cheap, but also has a hectic night life scene.
Hua Hin is a more peaceful city that does not receive as much tourism as Pattaya. Hua Hin attracts tourists by having pleasant beaches, nature and water parks. The distance between these two cities by land is 328km, by sea it is only 113km.
Pattaya to Hua Hin by Ferry
If you would like to get to Hua Hin as quick as possible, taking a ferry is your fastest option. As of 2018, there is only one ferry each day. Leaving at 13:00 from Pattaya and arriving at Hua Hin at 15:00. The ferry leaves from Hua Hin at 16:00 and returns to Pattaya at 18:00.
If you would like your fast journey to be even more comfortable, Business class and VIP tickets are available. When purchasing one of these tickets, you will receive a much bigger reclining seat, a lot more leg room, free drink, snacks and wet towel service. Your seat will be located on the second floor of the ferry, where you will experience a smoother ride and preferable views of your journey.
There are two VIP rooms which can seat up to 8 people. You must book the entire room if you would like this completely private option.
Something I would consider if you are travelling during the Monsoon, also known as the rainy season. There could be a chance of a not-so-smooth journey due to possible high tides, rain, lightning, delays and the chance that something could go wrong and force the ferry to turn back. I would recommend checking the weather in advance to foresee a smooth ride awaits you.
How to Buy Ferry tickets from Pattaya to Hua Hin
The best and simplest way to buy tickets for the ferry is online at Bookaway.
You can also buy tickets in person at the Pattaya Automatic Parking, on the second floor at Bali Hai Pier. This is a large green building at Bali Hai.
The price is 1250 baht one way for an Economy seat, Business is 1550 baht and the VIP room is 14000 baht* (prices are subject to variation).
Here is a search bar to check availability and book tickets for this route:
Pattaya to Hua Hin by Bus
Travelling by Bus from Pattaya to Hua Hin, there is only one direct bus option. It is a VIP bus, meaning all the seats are wide and extra comfortable. The bus ride will take around 5 hours and 30 minutes. Only one of these busses depart from Pattaya to Hua Hin each day.
The bus leaves at 11:00 am at the Pattaya Bus Station, located on North Pattaya Road. The journey time is over double the ferry, but you are paying less than half the price.
How to Buy Bus Tickets from Pattaya to Hua Hin
Buying a bus ticket online in Thailand is easy. You can buy tickets for this route at Bookaway.
If you would like to buy in person, you may do so at the Pattaya Bus Station located on North Pattaya road. The Same place where you will catch the bus. The price is usually around 470 baht online or in person.
Pattaya to Hua Hin by Taxi
The last option would be to hire a taxi or van. You are hiring the vehicle and driver. In most cases, you cannot purchase a single seat. There are a few companies that offer this service, among them is Hua Hin Cars and Glassflower.

The positives of this service is they will pick you up from most hotels in Pattaya and drop you off at any location in Hua Hin. You get to have the decision of what time you would like to leave. The travel time will be between 4-5 hours. Unless travelling with a group, this will be the most expensive option.
How to hire a taxi from to Pattaya
You can hire this service and pick the vehicle and time of your choice at online. On you can also hire car transfers from Pattaya, as well as get internet sim cards and other services and tours in Thailand.
Hotels in Pattaya
The Whisper Hotel – a great option to stay in a very central area of Pattaya.
Dusit Thani Pattaya – an excellent luxurious hotel in the city.
Hotels in Hua Hin
Initial HuaHin – a hotel offering great value for the money in Hua Hin.
Asira Boutique HuaHin – a high class option to stay in Hua Hin.
Other Thailand Travel Resources
If you want to compare and book a flight to Thailand, check Jetradar. For those looking to rent a car, check
If you are traveling to Thailand you will probably want to check out some of our other Southeast Asia guides. Check where to stay in Bangkok as well as how to travel from Bangkok to Chiang Mai or Hat Yai to Penang.
Have you been to Pattaya or Hua Hin? Leave you thoughts and questions in the comment box below.