How to travel from Venice to Ljubljana (Bus, train, flight)

What is the best way to travel from Venice to Ljubljana? In this post we’ll discuss whether it’s better to travel by train, bus, or car

Do you want to travel between Venice and Ljubljana or vice versa? This useful guide can help you get between one of Italy’s most popular cities and the Slovenian capital.

venice to ljubljana

Venice to Ljubljana: The route

The fastest route by road from Venice to Ljubljana is around 242km and can be done in under 3 hours.

Venice is one of the top tourist destinations in Italy, a romantic city known for its canals. That’s not all though, it’s home to beautiful street food, renaissance architecture, and romantic gondola rides.

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, and you can spend hours walking around its pretty Old Town. Outdoor cafes line the Ljubljanica River, a perfect place to take a break and people watch the locals. It’s also just a short journey from Lake Bled, one of the most beautiful sights in Slovenia!

Although the cities are close, they’re separated by an international border. And although both countries are in the Schengen Zone and there are no border controls, travelling between the two cities is a little more complicated than it might be if you were just going to be in one country!

Venice to Ljubljana by train

It is possible to travel between Venice and Ljubljana; however, you can’t go directly between the two cities. The quickest way to travel by train between Venice and Ljubljana is by making a stop in Trieste Centrale. In total, the journey will take around 5 hours (factoring in 15 minutes to change). That’s roughly 2 hours between Venice and Trieste, and 2.5 hours between Trieste and Ljubljana.

There are other journeys which involve a stop at Villach in Austria. But these journeys take even longer than the 5 hours making a stop in Trieste. The train is sometimes a more comfortable way to travel than bus, however between Venice and Ljubljana it is definitely slower.

You can also combine a bus and train journey, but this is still slower than taking a direct bus between the two cities.

How to buy train tickets from Venice to Ljubljana

The best options for buying train tickets from Venice to Ljubljana are

Trainline – A reliable website for getting European train tickets at the lowest prices.

Trenitalia – The Italian national rail service. It’s possible to check train times between Venice and Ljubljana through their website. However, it’s only possible to purchase for the Italian leg of your journey.

Venice to Ljubljana by bus

You can travel between Venice and Ljubljana by bus, and it’s the quickest way to get between the two cities. At least using public transport! It’s also the easiest way to travel between Venice and Ljubljana, as you can go directly.

There are multiple departures in both directions per day. Prices to travel between Ljubljana and Venice range from €12 – 35, depending your departure time. The majority of routes are direct and take between 2.75 and 4.5 hours.

When buying your bus tickets from either city, make sure you get to your departure point plenty of time before the bus is due to leave. Also, as there are multiple departure points, so double check you’re heading to the one stated on your ticket!

How to buy bus tickets from Venice to Ljubljana

The best options for buying bus tickets between Venice and the capital of Slovenia are:

Flixbus – A comprehensive selection of both domestic and international bus tickets across Europe. It’s one of the most reliable bus companies in Europe and offers some of the lowest prices too.

Flights from Venice to Ljubljana

It’s not possible to fly between these two cities directly. Although you can take a flight with a stopover, it’s not worth it as trains and buses are much cheaper and take roughly the same amount of time.

Venice to Ljubljana by car

Car is the fastest way to travel between these two cities. It’s probably the most comfortable too, but that doesn’t mean it’s the easiest. Renting a car and travelling to a different country can be tricky, and you may find it’s not worth the hassle. Of course, it’s always worth checking out ride share websites like BlaBlaCar.

ljubljana or zageb

You’ll be able to travel by car but without the expense of difficulties or renting! Rides are usually around €20, but some prices are as low as €11. That’s less than the cheapest bus! Do note though, rides can be cancelled at the last minute and aren’t as reliable as travelling by public transport.

Hotels in Venice

Hotel Alla Fava – a reasonably priced hotel close to the Rialto Brigde, in a privileged location in Venice.

Hotel Rio – a great accommodation option close to the St. Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco).

Hotels in Ljubljana 

Adora Hotel – Certainly of the best options to stay in Ljubljana. All the main attractions of Ljubljana Old Town and the Ljubljana Castle are easy accessible from this hotel.

Grand Hotel Union – This traditional hotel is located at the very heart of Ljubljana. The Preseren Square, one of the best places to stay in Ljubljana is just next to it.

Other Resources to Travel in Italy and Slovenia

Are you traveling to Venice soon? Check our guides to nearby cities on where to stay in Milan, and where to stay in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Leave your thoughts and comments below.