Toulouse to Andorra by Train and Bus

Toulouse to Andorra by train and bus: disover prices, stations and directions from the airport and city center

Toulouse to Andorra: let’s analyze how to get to one of the most scenic principalities of Europe from Toulouse, the closest largest city in France to Andorra with a large airport.

stay in Andorra

Andorra. Photo by Miquel Fabre

If you are planning to travel from Belgrade to Timisoara by train or bus, this post provides all the information from the start to the end of your journey, to optimize your travel time and comfort. It also features details on how to buy bus and train tickets as well as directions from and to the railway stations in Belgrade, Serbia and Timisoara, Romania.

If you are traveling from Belgrade to Romania by land, your first stop is very likely to be Timisoara. Belgrade is just 150km from Timisoara, and the latter is the biggest city in Romania close to the Serbian border.

Coming to Andorra? Check our where to stay in Andorra page.

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Getting to Andorra: Train
Getting to Andorra: Bus
Toulouse Airport to Andorra
Stations and Airport in Toulouse
Stations in Andorra
Traveling time
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Toulouse to Andorra by Train

toulouse to andorra train
Regional Train near Andorra (La Tour de Carol). Photo by Aleix Cortes

It is actually impossible for the time being to travel only by train from on this route. That is due to the fact that Andorra has no railway system. Therefore, a traveler can only reach the closest point to Andorra served by trains in France.

The closest train station on the French side to Andorra is in L’Hospitalet-près-l’Andorre, a very small village located 13 km by road to Pas de la Casa.

As of 2020, there are no buses connecting L’Hospitalet to any city in Andorra. You can walk to Pas de la Casa (13 km uphill). 

If you are coming from Andorra to L’Hospitalet, the situation is considerably easier. You can get a taxi from anywhere in Andorra to L’Hospitalet.

You can have more information on the train availability from Toulouse to L’Hospitalet-près-l’Andorre at the Trainline website.

Toulouse to Andorra by Bus

Considering the fact that Andorra does not have its own railway network, going from Toulouse to the principality by bus might be the best option. There are more than one daily frequencies departing from Toulouse and arriving at the Andorra Bus Station, located at the heart of Andorra la Vella.

The route is operated by Novatel Autocars S.A. and you can visit their website here. The company recently changed its name to ANDBUS.

The trip starts at the Toulouse Gare Matabiau and takes 3h30 to arrive at the Andorra Bus Station. One way rides cost 36 € and a return ride is 64 €. 

Toulouse Airport to Andorra by Bus

The same company that operates the route from Toulouse Matabiau to Andorra also offers the possibility of taking your transportation from the Toulouse Airport.

The prices are the same as if you start from the Matabiau train station, but the ride is 30 minutes shorter. The prices are also the same.

Stations and Airport in Toulouse

If you are leaving from the Toulouse city center to Andorra, your journey will start at the Gare Matabiau, regardless if you are travelling by bus or train.

The train departs the Gare Matabiau platform and you check timetables at the Trainline website.

If you are planning to travel to Andorra by bus, the ANDBUS service departs from the Platform 15 at the Gare Matabiau.
The bus from the Toulouse airport departs from the arrivals hall B, in front of the door B.

Bus Stations in Andorra

Buses traveling directly from Toulouse will end their journey at the Andorra Bus Station, in Andorra la Vella. Here is the address:

Avinguda Tarragona 42
AD500 Andorra la Vella

It is also possible to arrive by bus in many other Andorran cities. The same bus usually stops in Pas de la Casa, and other locations on demand.

Traveling Time from Toulouse to Andorra

The travelling time from Toulouse to Andorra ranges from 3h to 3h30 hours if using the direct buses from Toulouse. If you are coming by train the traveling time from Toulouse Matabiau to L’Hospitalet-pres-L’Andorre is of 2h32, however it will depend how much you can optimize your travel from L’Hospitalet to Andorra.

How to Buy Tickets from Toulouse to Andorra

You can buy train tickets from Toulouse Matabiau to L’Hospitalet on the Trainline website.

For tickets from Toulouse to Andorra directly by bus, you can purchase tickets on the ANDBUS website.

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Trainline: the best site to search and book train tickets in Europe.

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Jetradar: probably the best site to compare and book airline tickets online.

Train Travel Guide: in our railway travel guide, you will learn how to choose and ride the most scenic train routes around the world, always in the most comfortable way with optimal prices to enhance your travel experience.

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