How to Travel from Lisbon to Porto (Bus, Train, Flight)

How to travel from Lisbon to Porto? In this post we will explore the transport options between these two cities by bus, train and flight

Are you planning to visit the two most famous cities in Portugal? Check how to travel from Lisbon to Porto using bus, train or plane, including a guide on how to buy tickets for these journeys.

travel from lisbon to porto

Lisbon to Porto:

Lisbon is the most visited city in Portugal, famous for its alleys, delicious food and the magnificent bridge over the River Tagus.

Porto on the other hand, is the biggest city in northern Portugal. It is a great destination for food lovers and worldwide famous for its high quality Port wines.

One has a lot of options on how to travel from Lisbon to Porto and vice versa. The distance between the two cities is of approximately 310 km and you can travel from Lisbon to Porto by bus, train, plane or car. Since these are the two biggest cities in Portugal, there are many direct operations daily, regardless the mean of transport you choose.

Let’s analyze now how to travel from Lisbon to Porto using each one of the options below.

Lisbon to Porto by Bus

One of the best options to travel from the capital of Portugal to Porto is by bus. While this might not be fastest option, it is often the cheapest. That is especially the case if you didn’t have the time to buy your ticket with a lot of time in advance.

The bus ride usually takes from 3.15 hours to 4.10 hours, depending on the company and the route. One of the major companies in this route is Rede Expressos.

How to Buy Bus Tickets from Lisbon to Porto

You can check and compare bus tickets for this route on GoEuro. Alternatively you can check Rede Expressos website.

Lisbon to Porto by Train

One of the best ways to travel from Lisbon to Porto is by train. It is a highly comfortable option and you still get to enjoy the beautiful Portuguese countryside landscape.

The train usually takes 3 hours to complete the journey, which is slightly faster with the Alfa Pendular train and slightly slowly with the InterCity train. Considering both types of train, there are daily departures each hour and something each with just a 40 minutes interval between trains.

In Lisbon you can departure from both Santa Apolonia and Oriente Station. While Santa Apolonia is closer to the center, Oriente is closer to the airport. Both stations are connected to Lisbon transport network by metro and buses.

The Campanha Station is the point of arrival for the train in the city of Porto.

How to Buy Train Tickets from Lisbon to Porto

You can buy train tickets from Lisbon to Porto on Rail Europe or also at the train operator website. You can also buy train tickets on spot at the station. If you buy in advance discounts are available. Another option for trains in Europe is Trainline.

Lisbon to Porto by Plane

The Lisbon to Porto route is one of the busiest in Europe, with various daily direct flights between the two cities. Ryanair and TAP Air Portugal are the main operators in this route. Depending how early you buy your flight tickets they might be cheaper than the train, but prices depend on availability. The flight time between Porto and Lisbon is of one hour.

The Lisbon Airport is relatively close to the center and easily accessible by metro.

How to Buy Flight Tickets from Lisbon to Porto

The best way to buy flight tickets from Lisbon to Porto is online. You can check and compare flights on Jetradar or check the TAP website.

Lisbon to Porto by Car

Another interesting option to travel from Lisbon to Porto is by car. If you have your own vehicle or rent a car, you will have the flexibility of visiting interesting places on the way from the capital to Porto. Some of them worth checking are Sintra and Coimbra, for example.

To compare prices and rent a car, check


Hotels in Lisbon

Inn Bairro Alto Bed & Breakfast – an excellent affordable option to stay in one of the best locations of Lisbon.

Star inn Lisbon Airport – a great hotel if you want to stay close to the Lisbon Airport.

Hotels in Porto

Hotel Internacional Porto – located just a short walk from the Aliados Metro Station, this hotel offers a great value for the money in the Center (Baixa) of Porto.

Pousada Veneza – an affordable hotel close to Porto Campanha train station, ideal if you are in Porto for a short stay.

Other Resources for Traveling in Portugal

If you are traveling to Portugal you may want to check some of our guides to the country. Check where to stay in Lisbon and the best places to stay in Porto. You may also want to read about the cost of living in Lisbon and the average and minimum salary in Lisbon.

Are you travelling to Lisbon and Porto soon or have you been there already? Leave your thoughts in the comment box below.