Average and Minimum Salary in Brussels, Belgium

Average and minimum salary in Brussels: let’s analyse the economic reality and wages in the capital of Belgium, one of the most prominent European cities

Are you considering relocating to Belgium? Check below our data and analysis on the average and minimum wage in Brussels, to understand better the purchase power and the economics of the city.

salary in Brussels Belgium
Brussels Noord Station.

Brussels is the capital of Belgium and home to 1.2M people. Home to a number of international organizations like NATO and the EU, Brussels is attracting more and more foreigners. its internationally famous food and magnificent historical sights are also of growing interest for tourist coming from Europe and beyond.

Minimum Salary In Brussels

In Belgium, the law does not specify a mandatory minimum salary for workers. However, collective labor agreements have the power to do so. Minimum salaries depend on the area of the country and the occupation type.

The gross minimum salary in Brussels, Belgium is of 1842 € as of 2025 for workers above 21 years old. The net minimum net salary in Brussels and Belgium is roughly 1650 € as of 2025.

The average working week in Brussels is 38 hours. This is slightly longer than the working week in France, with 35 hours, and shorter than its neighbor Luxembourg, with 40 hours.

Average Salary In Brussels

The average salary in Brussels is 3700€ per month (net), as of 2025. This is significantly more than Flanders (3257€) and Wallonia (3102€), the two other regions of Belgium. The Dutch speaking part of Belgium (Flanders) is slightly wealthier than the French speaking part (Wallonia). More information here(in French).

Those are all gross figures. Taxes in Belgium are rather high, and the average net salary in Brussels is of €2200 euros as of 2025.

Brussels Economic Outlook

Brussels is set to remain attractive to foreigners in the coming years, thanks to the presence of the EU and NATO. While it is very tough to integrate the organizations themselves, numerous firms are working hand in hand with them and are particularly open to talents coming from outside the country. In general, these sectors offer very competitive salaries and benefits.

Speaking French or Dutch, the two main languages of Belgium, is not required to find a job in Brussels. Despite its high cost of living, housing prices are very affordable compared to some other big European capitals like Paris or London.

Traveling to Belgium? Check our guide on the best places to stay in Brussels and where to stay in Bruges.

Interesting Resources for Working and Living Abroad

Are you really considering to work and live abroad, temporarily or permanently? Below are some resources that might be useful for you around the web:

World Nomads: this company provides travel insurance in most countries around the world. It might be a good option if you going for a long travel.

Jetradar: Compare and book flights around the world with our own flight search fare tool.

Booking.com: Booking.com is the best choice for finding accommodation for your next trip, with a wide variety of choices for all types of travelers.

You may also want to check our website guides:

Train Travel Guide: in our railway travel guide, you will learn how to choose and ride the most scenic train routes around the world. Travel always in the most comfortable way with optimal prices to enhance your travel experience.

Dating Guide: our dating guide will help you not only to find love but to understand the social customs of each country. It will also help you to avoid dating scams around the internet and find people really interested in honest relationships.

Work Abroad Guide: Learn how to find a job and employment requirements in different countries. From the initial job search, to bargaining salaries, this guide will help you to find job in most countries around the world. It also covers about remote work and TEFL jobs.

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