Cost of Living in Warsaw, Poland

Cost of living in Warsaw: let’s analyze costs of food, real estate, entertainment and transport in Warsaw, Poland

Are you considering moving to Warsaw, Poland? Check below the data for the cost of living in Warsaw, the capital and most populated city of Poland.

cost of living in Warsaw

Cost of Living in Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw is the largest city in Poland, and it is also the country’s capital. With a population slightly above 1.7 milion inhabitants, it is also one of the largest cities in Central Europe. Being the country’s capital, Warsaw attracts a good part of foreign investment and expats that relocate to Poland.

Warsaw has a heavily diversified economy. It is where most of the government agencies in Poland are headquartered, as well as the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since the end of Communism, Warsaw and Poland have achieved a great success changing its economic structured from a planned economy to a functioning free market.

Warsaw has a moderate cost of living. It is comparable to other Central European capitals such as Prague, Bratislava and Zagreb. Housing is the highest cost in Warsaw.

Let’s check some data for the cost of living in Warsaw, Poland below:

The currency in Poland is the Polish Zloty. The conversion rate to the USD is 1 dollar to 4.06 PLN as of February 9, 2025.

If you want to suggest your own values based on your experiences in this city, click on edit and insert the values. Upon moderation they will be calculated to make part of the average prices displayed below.

Food Price [EDIT]
1 liter of milk 0.67 USD
1 loaf of bread 0.63 USD
1 kg of tomatoes 2.85 USD
1 kg of chicken 3.94 USD
1 single meal cheap restaurant 4.50 USD
1 single meal high-end restaurant 14.50 USD
1 cappuccino or latte 2.50 USD
1 big pizza delivery 12.00 USD
Real Estate Price [EDIT]
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) rent per month 668.00 USD
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) utilities per month 90.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) rent per month 960.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) utilities per month 140.00 USD
Price per square meter (city center) 2,094.00 USD
Transport Price [EDIT]
1 single ride public transport 1.32 USD
Monthly public transport ticket 32.00 USD
1 km taxi or similar transport app 0.70 USD
1 liter of gasoline (1/4 gallon) 1.32 USD
Toyota Corolla (new) basic version 17,082.00 USD
Salaries Price [EDIT]
Minimum Salary 618.00 USD
Average Salary (net) 950.00 USD
Extras Price [EDIT]
1 ticket to the movies (adult price) 7.50 USD
High speed internet per month 13.25 USD
1 month gym subscription 38.00 USD

Cost of Living for Students in Warsaw

The cost of living for students in Krakow is from low to moderate compared to Western European academic related prices. There are many bachelor and masters degree studies available in English. There is a good offer of degrees in English in private higher education institutions in Warsaw.

Here are some of the main higher education institutions in Warsaw:

University of Warsaw

Warsaw University of Technology

SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Getting a Job in Warsaw

The Warsaw job market is quite opened to expats. Warsaw concentrates most of the job offers for expats in the corporate sector in Poland. There are also a good amount of jobs in the industry sector (engineering), and also in services (tourism, hospitality).

Wages in Warsaw are also the highest in the country. However, it is important to remember that Warsaw also has the highest cost of living in Poland.
Here are some websites for job hunting in Warsaw:

Careers in Poland

Quality of Life in Warsaw

Despite being a large European metropolis, Warsaw manages to acheive a great balance. Its quality of life is better than most European cities with similar size, especially in terms of crime.

With two international airports and an efficient public transport network, its easy to get in and around Warsaw. However, Warsaw still has its disadvantages. Traffic jams are pretty common in the city, except in weekends.

English is widely spoken in Warsaw, especially among younger generations. Older inhabitants may have a basic grasp of English, and various levels of Russian or German command. The biggest expat communities in Warsaw are of Ukrainians, Belorussians and Vietnamese.

If you are visiting Warsaw soon you may want to check some of our other Poland guides. Check the best places to places to stay in Warsaw and our article on the average and minimum salary in Warsaw. If you are traveling inside, check how to travel from Warsaw to Krakow. You can also look at the cost of living in Krakow here.

Other Resources for Expats and Travelers

Salaries Worldwide: check our articles on wages worldwide and understand better the economics of the countries you may be considering to move or invest.

Retire Abroad: check our retirement guides and maximize your retirement income and quality of life.

Jetradar: compare and find the cheapest air fares worldwide.