Cost of Living in Lisbon, Portugal

Cost of living in Lisbon: check below the costs related to daily expenses, real estate, entertainment and transport in Lisbon, Portugal

Are you planning to visit or maybe move to Lisbon, Portugal? Below you can check the data for the cost of living in Lisbon, the capital and the biggest city in Portugal.

cost of living in lisbon

Cost of Living in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is the most western capital of the European Union, and also Portugal’s biggest city. The city is attracting a high influx of visitors and expats, for its high quality of living, and relatively affordable costs.

After years of recession, the Portuguese economy picked up a few years ago, and is currently among the most dynamic economies in the bloc. Behind that reason are industries like tourism and real estate, which are showing a sharp growth in Lisbon in recent years.

The recent influx of people and capital to Lisbon is also having a huge impact in the cost of living in Lisbon. While prices of services in the capital had not changed much, real estate and accommodation prices are on the rise.

Lisbon does have a number of advantages that many other European capitals lack. A pleasant weather almost year-round, inexpensive delicious food, and a high level of safety make of the Portuguese city a highly liveable city without the price tag of capitals like Luxembourg, Zurich or Copenhagen.

Let’s check some data for the cost of living in Lisbon, Portugal below:

The currency in Portugal is the euro. The conversion rate to the EUR is 1 dollar to 0.94 EUR as of April 27, 2024.

If you want to suggest your own values based on your experiences in this city, click on edit and insert the values. Upon moderation they will be calculated to make part of the average prices displayed below.

Food Price [EDIT]
1 liter of milk 0.75 USD
1 loaf of bread 0.99 USD
1 kg of tomatoes 1.57 USD
1 kg of chicken 5.30 USD
1 single meal cheap restaurant 8.50 USD
1 single meal high-end restaurant 22.00 USD
1 cappuccino or latte 1.60 USD
1 big pizza delivery 14.85 USD
Real Estate Price [EDIT]
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) rent per month 950.00 USD
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) utilities per month 56.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) rent per month 1,580.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) utilities per month 125.00 USD
Price per square meter (city center) 3,193.00 USD
Transport Price [EDIT]
1 single ride public transport 1.60 USD
Monthly public transport ticket 40.39 USD
1 km taxi or similar transport app 0.60 USD
1 liter of gasoline (1/4 gallon) 1.75 USD
Toyota Corolla (new) basic version 25,580.00 USD
Salaries Price [EDIT]
Minimum Salary 670.00 USD
Average Salary (net) 982.00 USD
Extras Price [EDIT]
1 ticket to the movies (adult price) 7.11 USD
High speed internet per month 32.50 USD
1 month gym subscription 32.40 USD

Cost of Living for Students in Lisbon, Portugal

Portugal is a great destination for higher education students. It offers a wide range of graduate and masters degree in both public and private institutions. Lisbon is especially popular among Portuguese speaking students from other Portuguese speaking countries like Brazil, Angola and Cape Verde. Apart from that, the city is also pretty popular among exchange students.

Cost of living for students in Portugal is relatively affordable. Students have an edge to get cheaper accommodation, which is the highest cost in the city. Tuition fees are paid yearly, and are cheaper for programs taught in Portuguese and in public universities.

Here are some of the main higher education institutions in Lisbon:

Universidade de Lisboa

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Catholic University of Portugal

Getting a Job in Lisbon

Currently the Portuguese job market is pretty dynamic, and the unemployment rate is below countries like Italy, France or Spain. The specific case of Lisbon is even more positive, as the city concentrates a high number of jobs in comparison to other cities and regions in Portugal.

Despite wages being rather low in Portugal (both average and minimum), there are a high number of employment opportunities in Portugal. There is a high demand for speakers of multiple languages, and you can also find something even if you do not have a good command of Portuguese.

Here are some websites for job hunting in Lisbon:


Empregos Sapo

Quality of Life in Lisbon

Lisbon has one of the highest score in terms of quality of life among Western European capitals. The Portuguese capital has a high score in terms of transport infrastructure, health services, outdoor activities, nightlife and restaurant.

Lisbon is pretty safe, with low incidence of natural hazards and a low crime rate. The level of pollution in Lisbon is also among the lowest for capital cities in the European Union.

lisbon portugal

English is spoken in Lisbon, especially among younger generations. As the tourism industry is one of the biggest engines pushing the Portuguese economy, most people in the service industry are likely to at least have a basic command of English.

If you are visiting Portugal soon you may also want to check some of our other Portugal guides. Check the where to stay in Lisbon and our article on the best places to stay in Porto. You can also check the our article on the average and minimum salary in Lisbon.

Other Resources for Expats and Travelers

Salaries Worldwide: check our articles on wages worldwide and understand better the economics of the countries you may be considering to move or invest.

Retire Abroad: check our retirement guides and maximize your retirement income and quality of life.

Jetradar: compare and find the cheapest air fares worldwide.