Cost of Living in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cost of living in Copenhagen, Denmark: check below the costs related to daily expenses, real estate, entertainment and transport in Copenhagen

Are you planning to visit or relocate to Copehagen? Below you can check the cost of living in Copenhagen, Denmark, one of the wealthiest cities in Europe.

cost of living in copenhagen denmark

Cost of Living in Copenhagen, Denmark

Denmark’s capital ranks high in almost all quality of life indexes during the past decade and it is easy to understand why. Copenhagen is a liveable city, with high salaries and its citizen enjoy a  high purchase power.

The high level of economic development combined with a good quality of life and high taxes influence the cost of living in Denmark heavily. Copenhagen has expensive real estate prices, and the same can be said about services. However, since salaries are also high, those earning in the local currency usually can afford a pretty comfortable lifestyle.

The overall positive social scenario in Denmark continues to result in a positive net migration to the country. This trend is very consistent since the 1980’s and is not showing signs of stopping.

Grocery prices in Denmark are, however, comparable with those in other EU countries like Germany or Belgium. The biggest costs in Copenhagen are those related to services, like restaurants or entertainment, and real estate.

Let’s check some data for the cost of living in Copenhagen, Denmark below:

The currency in Denmark is the Danish krone. The conversion rate to the DKK is 1 dollar to 6.93 DKK as of May 5, 2024.

If you want to suggest your own values based on your experiences in this city, click on edit and insert the values. Upon moderation they will be calculated to make part of the average prices displayed below.

Food Price [EDIT]
1 liter of milk 1.70 USD
1 loaf of bread 2.30 USD
1 kg of tomatoes 3.20 USD
1 kg of chicken 10.50 USD
1 single meal cheap restaurant 17.42 USD
1 single meal high-end restaurant 81.70 USD
1 cappuccino or latte 5.01 USD
1 big pizza delivery 18.00 USD
Real Estate Price [EDIT]
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) rent per month 1,480.00 USD
1 bedroom flat (40 m2) utilities per month 120.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) rent per month 2,455.00 USD
2 bedroom flat (80 m2) utilities per month 175.00 USD
Price per square meter (city center) 6,746.00 USD
Transport Price [EDIT]
1 single ride public transport 3.68 USD
Monthly public transport ticket 65.45 USD
1 km taxi or similar transport app 2.30 USD
1 liter of gasoline (1/4 gallon) 1.54 USD
Toyota Corolla (new) basic version 36,749.00 USD
Salaries Price [EDIT]
Minimum Salary 2,400.00 USD
Average Salary (net) 3,200.00 USD
Extras Price [EDIT]
1 ticket to the movies (adult price) 14.53 USD
High speed internet per month 32.30 USD
1 month gym subscription 35.00 USD

Cost of Living for Students in Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is a great place for higher education students, with a wide offer of programs in both Danish and English. Higher education in Denmark is free in public institutions for Danes and citizens of the European Union. Non-EU students have to pay tuition fees that range from 8000 to 21000 dollars per academic year, depending on the program. There are, however, scholarship programs for high achieving students from outside the EU.

The cost of living for students in Denmark is relatively high. Even if EU students do not pay tuition fees, the overall costs with accommodation, food, and transport in Denmark are above the average for the European Union.

Here are some of the main higher education institutions in Copenhagen:

University of Copenhagen

Copenhagen Business Academy

IT University of Copenhagen

Getting a Job in Copenhagen

Denmark has a highly competitive job market, with a strong demand for high skilled professionals. Unemployment rate is rather low, but demand for unskilled jobs is not strong due to automation and a highly competitive workforce.

Salaries in Denmark are among the highest in the European Union. However, taxes in Denmark are equally high. Welfare services in Denmark are among the best in the world.

Here are some websites for job hunting in Copenhagen:

Quality of Life in Copenhagen

Copenhagen is often ranked among the cities with the highest quality of life in the world. The city ranks high especially in terms of safety and traffic. Copenhagen has also a very low level of pollution when compared to most European capitals.

Natural conditions in Copenhagen are also quite favorable, as the city offers a lot of options for outdoor activities. Spring and Summer are usually a great time to be in Denmark, with long days and favorable temperatures for sports. Winter, however, might be unpleasant for some with a low number of sunshine hours and a rather gray and cold atmosphere, especially from December to February.

copenhagen denmark

Most Danes have a good knowledge of the English language. The percentage is higher among younger generations, but the overall number of English speakers in Copenhagen and Denmark as a whole is among the highest in Europe (apart from countries where English is an official language).

If you are visiting Denmark soon you may also want to check some of our other Scandinavia guides. Check the average and minimum salary in Copenhagen here. You can also check where to stay in Stockholm and the best places to stay in Oslo.

Other Resources for Expats and Travelers

Salaries Worldwide: check our articles on wages worldwide and understand better the economics of the countries you may be considering to move or invest.

Retire Abroad: check our retirement guides and maximize your retirement income and quality of life.

Jetradar: compare and find the cheapest air fares worldwide.