Average and Minimum Salary in Vientiane, Laos

vientiane laos

Average and Minimum Salary in Vientiane: Laos: If you are travelling to Laos a good way to understand the dynamics of the local economy is analyzing its wages Check the average and minimum salary in Laos below, including up to date data (2019) about the economy of its capital city … Read more

Average and Minimum Salary in Asuncion, Paraguay


Average and minimum salary in Asuncion, Paraguay: discover economic data about this South American nation Are you considering investing or working in Paraguay? Check below the latest date for the average and minimum salary in Asuncion, the capital and largest city of Paraguay. Asuncion, Paraguay Photo by alobos LifeWe will … Read more

Trains in Montenegro

kotor montenegro

Trains in Montenegro: This guide will cover the main aspects and routes of traveling to and in Montenegro by Railway If you are planning a trip to the Balkans you may want to know what are the options to travel using trains in Montenegro. Despite having a small railway network, … Read more

Sydney or Melbourne – Which is the best city to visit?

Sydney Australia

Sydney or Melbourne, which is the best city to visit? This guide will provide insights on the nightlife, sightseeing, cost of travel and other aspects of visiting these two Australian cities. Are you planning a visit to Australia but don’t know where the best place to visit is? Although Canberra … Read more

Cost of Living in Boston, Massachusetts

cost of living in boston

Cost of living in Boston, Massachusetts: let’s analyze costs of food, real estate, entertainment, and transport in Boston, the capital of Massachusetts. Are you considering moving to Boston for your career or to start a business? Check below the data for the cost of living in Boston, Massachusetts, which is … Read more

Highest Inflation by Country and How to Protect from It

highest inflation by country

Highest inflation by country: let’s discover the countries with the highest inflation rates in history, and what you can do to protect your assets from inflation In this post we will analyze some of the highest inflation rates by country in history, and the reasons behind it. Hyperinflation is often … Read more